Summer Reading List for 2019: The Best 3 books to teach kids about money

I’ve read many books about money and investing. If you’re looking to teach your kids, or yourself, about money, here are three outstanding books to get you started. Its never too early for kids to start learning the basics behind saving, where and how to save, and what to invest in. I hope this list sparks some interest in learning more.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a classic in teaching the difference between owning and wanting. Its told through a storytelling parable, with the emphasis around the need to acquire assets, and the difference between good debt and bad debt. The lessons here will teach anyone, at any age, valuable lessons.

The Motely Fool is a great company with a foundation in educating investors. I currently pay for their Stock Advisor service to this day, and their stock picks have made me over 50% over the last couple years. This book is geared towards overall financial education, from banking to investing. As a mom, or a parent, the title alone should be enough to buy this book.

Ramit Sethi, the author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich, does a great job at explaining the basics, empowering people to negotiate, automate what’s important, cut out expenses that don’t add value, and picture yourself growing rich.

If you have questions or need additional recommendations, please shoot me an email at